'Beyond Business' Join a community which Nurtures Wellbeing and Sparks Creativity.

Join us on our journey to support each other as we build our businesses and take care of ourselves along the way.

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you passionate about what you do but sometimes feel overwhelmed?

  • Do you work alone and feel isolated within your business?

  • Do you want to grow your business but don't know where to start?

  • Do you feel stuck with where you are heading with your business?

  • Do you want to create new contacts?

  • Do you want to create collaborations with like-minded women?

  • Do you wish to belong to a community that just 'gets you' and understands your challenges?

  • Do you want a community that supports your journey?

  • Do you want a safe space to celebrate your wins?

  • Do you want a place where you feel you belong?

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

You feel more energised, excited, motivated and determined to thrive in your business and not feel alone whilst growing your dream.

You felt you had a place to bounce ideas and feel heard to learn from other women's experiences, who have been there before you, .

A place where others share their experiences too. To feel inspired by friendly conversations with like-minded women.

Listening to our wonderful female entrepreneur speakers with real experiences and knowledge of the creative and wellbeing business.

You are able to build supportive connections, creating beautiful friendships and collaborations.

A place to be accountable..

You had access to resources to help you move forward and grow in your business, as well as supporting you in your wellbeing, from a supportive informal and enjoyable community.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

We get you, we understand you, because we have also been on the same journey...

I’ve always loved being a creative entrepreneur and have run several businesses over the years, but traditional networking? That was never my thing. Don’t get me wrong—it has its place, but for me, as a creative business owner, it just didn’t fit.

Sitting in a room that felt like a school assembly, under harsh artificial lighting, surrounded by so much noise I could barely hear myself think… only to nervously wait my turn for a 60-second pitch? Not exactly my idea of a good time! I’d talk so fast, trying to cram every last detail of my business into my slot, only to spend the next few minutes overanalyzing what I didn’t say—completely missing what the next few people were talking about. On the plus side, I always remembered the last person who spoke! 🤦‍♀️ My nervous system was frazzled every time.

For a while, I toyed with the idea of creating a different kind of networking group—one that actually suited me and other women like me. I knew it needed to be for female founders in creative and wellbeing businesses because that’s where my heart is. Let’s face it, many of us work alone, and while that gives us freedom, it can also be isolating. I know that feeling all too well.

After a decade of feeling physically sick at the thought of networking, I stopped going. And for a while, that was fine. Until it wasn’t. I started feeling disconnected and lonely in my business. My confidence—never the strongest to begin with—took a hit. Growing up as a sensitive, introverted child with a narcissistic mum had already shaped me to doubt myself, and now, the longer I stayed in my little business bubble, the harder it became to step back out. I started questioning whether I even had anything worthwhile to say about my own business!

Then, COVID hit. And, honestly? I let out a long sigh of relief. Finally, a pause. A chance to stop, reflect, and really think about what I wanted from my entrepreneurial journey. And that’s when Creative Wellbeing Circle was born.

We’re on an incredible journey, and we’d love to invite you to join us. As women in creative and wellbeing businesses, we are building something truly special—a space where we can connect, support, and empower each other, both personally and professionally.

Because here’s the big question: Who is nurturing the nurturers?

Where do we go to refill our own cups, take a breath, and connect with people who truly get it? That’s what Creative Wellbeing Circle

is here for—a supportive space designed for female founders in creative and wellbeing businesses, by female founders in creative and wellbeing businesses.

There’s something so powerful about bringing like-minded women together. We’re here to champion collaboration over competition

and to empower each other as we navigate the wild, wonderful adventure of life and business.

We’d love for you to be part of it. 💛

Andrea x

Which is why we are soooo excited to introduce you to...

'Creative Wellbeing Circle Community Membership'

Don't miss out on joining our journey with like-minded women.

Our community are all passionate about building a business that they love. The reality is that it can be really challenging starting your business and the journey can be a lonely one.

At less than £7 a week, less than a cinema ticket, you can enjoy being a special part of this growing, vibrant community.



Creative and/or Wellbeing Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs and business owners.

A quick glance at what is included...

  • Access to our friendly online Private

    Supportive Community Membership Hub.

  • Online workshop/speaker/mindset

    self care session - (1 hour)

  • Women's Creative Wellbeing Circle hour of deep dive discussion and networking (1 hour)

  • Founders monthly momentum journal hour

  • Inspiration Partners - Creative Collaborator/Wellbeing Warrior

  • Directory and promotion of your business

  • Monthly creative and Wellbeing Newsletter full of Inspiration and Ideas, workshops, events, retreats and updates.

  • Monthly member show case in CWC 'Soul Ventures'

  • Access to members library of workbooks/ journals/digital products and printables.

  • Hub membership area

  • Bonus sessions/resources

  • Discounts for events

  • Monthly Membership Price £29

  • Seasonal (Quarterly) Membership Price £79/quarter

  • Annual Membership Price £290/year (Save 20%)

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

Community Support & Connection

Access to our friendly online Private Supportive Community Membership Hub.

A space where you can be inspired and learn from other like-minded women.

A place where you can share your wins and challenges

Grow your business

Connection and collaborations

Online monthly networking sessions-Share your business ideas far and wide. Give your business the visibility that it deserves.

Monthly networking coffee & chat

Online monthly networking sessions-Share your business ideas far and wide. Give your business the visibility that it deserves.


Monthly newsletter to inspire, motivate and support your wellbeing.

Inspiring speakers

Authentic and real - Women who run their own businesses in the creative and/or wellbeing industry.

Feel inspired with each woman's story about their journey on how they became a founder of their own destiny.

Boost your wellbeing and Business

A place to really connect on all levels of life and business

Monthly co-working sessions

A space just for you to work alongside others. This is a great time to take accountability in getting the jobs done you keep putting off! Whether it is getting your accounts up together, or completing all your email automations, booking future fayres, completing a project. This is the time to do it.

Ask questions at the beginning of the session should you wish and celebrate the win of being productive with other members.

Fun and Laughter

What is life in business without fun and laughter.

Founders monthly momentum journal hour

A monthly session where each founder will have their own business journal to keep track on your goals, challenges, wins, media data, PR and marketing and so much more. this is invaluable to keep track of your business month by month.

Inspiration Partners - Creative Collaborator/Wellbeing Warrior

If you are looking for an accountability partner then this is just for you. Whether you are a Creative Collaborator or a Wellbeing Warrior, we will match you up with an inspiration partner.

Women's Creative Wellbeing Circle

An hour of deep dive discussion about our businesses and networking. This will be done in break out rooms of small groups so we can get deep about our individual businesses. A powerful and invaluable hour.

Directory and promotion of your business

As a member you will be able to add your business details to our directory and promote your business to other members.

Monthly member show case in CWC 'Soul Ventures'

At Creative Wellbeing Circle we love to share other female founders stories. This is something we have done since we started as we believe that every female founders "Soul Venture' is truly amazing.

Resources Library

Access to members library of workbooks/ journals/digital products and printables.

Hub membership area

A designated membership hub area for you to connect with others, discuss industry topics, announcements, promote business and so much more.

Bonus sessions/resources

We will have bonus sessions, whether its a video of a female founder speaker, digital printables and other resources, all to help you with your wellbeing and businesses.

Discounts for events

We run courses, workshops, events and retreats and as a member you will be offered a 10% discount.

Don't miss out on this opportunity!

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

All this for just £29 a month!

Select the plan that works for you:

Monthly CWC Membership Payment Plan

Full access to live events, courses, workshops, and Community.

12 monthly payments paid by Direct Debit

"Such an inspiring morning - lovely company, beautiful scenery and fresh air, perfect combo, looking forward to chatting to more of you over the coming months"


"Thank you so much for organising this group, it was such a refreshing day listening and sharing all our ups and downs of being a female business."


"Thank you so much for this morning. I really enjoyed the walk. It was lovely to meet and talk with some of you, and to enjoy scenery and the kite that flew above! Looking forward to doing this again"

Rachel Bannister - THE THERAPY SHED


When will I get access to my membership?

One week after doors close for open cart.

What platform is the membership hub based on?

Our amazing Membership Hub is run in a private membership area similar to Facebook.

What is the community support like?

We will support you in the community as well as supporting each others entrepreneurial journeys. Our community is inclusive.

Is this for me if I live outside of the UK?

Absolutely, it is open to all creative and wellbeing female founders. there will be a time difference to consider for the online live sessions.

Deep Dive conversations, CWC Circle networking - Tuesday Monthly - 10 - 11am GMT

Co-working session - Thursday monthly - 2-4pm GMT

Inspiring Speakers - Wednesday monthly - 10 - 11am GMT

Founders monthly momentum journal - Thursday monthly -10 - 11am GMT

Do you offer refunds?

As everything is live or digital and instance access we don't provide refunds.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel subscriptions in writing to Creative Wellbeing Circle Membership via email - [email protected]

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