Terms & Conditions

Creative Wellbeing Circle Terms and conditions

Liability and Responsibility:

-Host will need to register with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to ensure GDPR compliance.

-All netwalkers take responsibility for their actions during netwalk events. Participants are responsible for their own wellbeing and that CWC is not liable for any injuries or losses sustained during the event unless caused by CWC’s negligence.

Participant Consent and Waiver:

Disclaimers will be required for every netwalker, this will be done initially online before netwalks via ‘Disclaimer’ form must be filled in before the walks proceed. This will cover potential risks and liabilities associated with outdoor activities, emergency contacts, medical health conditions and GDPR. Participants must disclose any medical conditions that may impact their ability to join the netwalks, and permission to include photos of their images for CWC promotional material. Hosts must clearly communicate the importance of participants personal responsibility for their safety during the netwalk and any related activities. (Please see ‘Disclaimer’ for more details.)

Cancellation and Refund Policies:

The host reserves the right to cancel/change the netwalking event due to adverse weather, whether to host in a local cafe or take the meeting online. Attendees will be informed by 10pm the evening (time zone specific) before in this case.

Refunds or a voucher for the next session will only be given if the netwalking host has to cancel for any reason.

Code of Conduct:

The Netwalking host has the right to remove a participant from an event should a netwalker not adhere to CWC guidelines for respectful behaviour, environmental responsibility, and adherence to safety instructions.

Intellectual Property:

CWC have the copyright on all creative content and promotional material produced for netwalks. For example, photos, videos, or artwork created by participants or hosts. CWC branding and any promotional items hosts are permitted to use of the company's branding and materials by hosts for promotional purposes. As netwalking hosts, should you wish to use any of the promotional materials, photographs or artwork please contact us for permission of use.


Collaboration and Partnerships:

Hosts are not permitted to run any other netwalking group for female creative and/or wellbeing entrepreneurs. Hosts that would like to run other events for female creative and/or wellbeing entrepreneurs may do so under the CWC brand, but only when working in collaboration with CWC.



CWC payment terms, for netwalking services - Via Eventbrite or CWC (Creative Wellbeing Circle) bank Sort Code-04-03-70 Account Number 71940423

Refunds for netwalking participants - we do not offer refunds. In the case we need to cancel a netwalk we will inform you and let those who have purchased a ticket know the evening before or preferably at our earliest convenience. Participants should be informed that their tickets can be carried over to the next netwalking session.


Governing Law:

This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.


Amendments to Terms and Conditions:

Include a clause stating that the company reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions and how hosts will be informed of such changes. Specify any notice period or acknowledgment process for hosts to accept updated terms.


What personal data we collect and why we collect it. Some data will be collected automatically by Our Site for further details, other data will only be collected if you voluntarily submit it and consent to us using it for the purposes set out.

We may collect some or all of the following data:

Name - Date of birth - Email - Phone number. Demographic information such as post code, preferences and interests. Website - Social media accounts. Emergency Contact details. Medical requirements, such as disability, medical needs or allergies. Marketing purposes, ie - Feedback and testimonials. Photos, videos and/or voice recordings. (See our disclaimer) Details of your visit to our website. Records of your interactions with us .Ethnicity and other equality and inclusion questions .

See our Privacy Policy for more details.

Cookies - Please visit our cookies and privacy policy notices at www.creativewellbeingcircle.co.uk

For any further information or questions please contact us via email.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2023 Creative Wellbeing Circle - Privacy Policy - Terms & Conditions